Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect

As a normal human being, 
I struggle with feelings of jealousy. I think things like, "Oh! I want her hair." or "I wish I was as good at sports as she is." 

But I know that God doesn't want me to think way.

Truth is, God is an amazing creator and made each of us the way we are for a reason. Our imperfections what make us perfectly imperfect.

Psalm 139:14 (NCV) says: "I praise you because you made me in a wonderful and amazing way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well." 

We should praise God for our imperfections. Because to Him, they are wonderful. And I know, it's hard to praise God for your frizzy hair or gap teeth. But He loves them!

No matter what, you are created in His beautiful image, therefore you are beautiful! Don't worry about other people's abilities or looks, because I can promise you that there is not ONE person on Earth who is 100% happy with themselves. 

Song in my head during this post: "Perfect" by Pink.

and don't you forget it!

(okay, now I have to have a proud cousin moment. My new baby cousin Harper Diana was born this morning! I'm on cloud nine!) 

Have a great day!

:) Ellie

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