Monday, November 24, 2014

an overdue update

WOW I haven't been on here in forever.

(I'm in college... I'm busy.)

But college is absolutely AMAZING.
Seriously, I don't think I have ever been this constantly happy in my life. It's great.

And since I don't have the time or space to write and you probably don't have the attention span to read about everything I've been up to, here are a few highlights.

I moved in to this wonderful place on August 28th,
and met my roommate for the first time. 
She's wonderful and we love each other a lot.
Our room is an explosion of pink and it's all sorts of wonderful.

The next big event was homecoming.
Bethel won and it was a beautiful day for a game!

We also had the Homecoming banquet,

Which would NOT have been possible without the Banquet and Dances committee that I'm a part of.
 (I know, we rock)

We also had the cheer competition that my dorm got 3rd place in!
(Getscha getscha getscha head in the game)

Then, my aunt gave me FREE tickets that she won to the Ed Sheeran concert. I brought my best friend since birth, Adam.
Turns out one of my friends and her boyfriend had tickets too, so we all went together!
Ed Sheeran was amazing and we all had a great time. 

(This is usually how me and Tiana can be found. We love each other, a lot.)

We did our annual Out of the Darkness walk in September to honor my cousin Nicholas' life. I love getting to see my family! Being three and a half hours away means that I don't get to see them very often.

My cousin had a baby in September. I got to meet baby in late September, and I also got to spend fall break with them!

I went home for a weekend in the end of October.
On the way home, I took a little side trip one night to surprise my best friends at their college. They were completely surprised and we had a great time together!

Then I went home to watch my little brother get confirmed. 
He's the best little brother ever.

(my friend Mara and I went as the Man in the Yellow Suit and Curious George. 100 creative points go to us.) 

Gadkin was in November.
(look out, we are dangerous.) 

My high school's volleyball team made it to state and took SECOND PLACE in the whole state (way to go ladies!) and I got to go and watch them play, and I also got to see a few of my friends from high school. It was a mini high school reunion!

Then, last Friday we had "Friendsgiving" at my friend Meckenna's house. Her mom was so kind and made us a whole meal that consisted of food that all of us requested. How sweet, and what a blessing it is to have a friend whose home is so close that we can do stuff like this! 

After Friendsgiving, I went to my first hockey game EVER! I had so much fun! (does this mean that I am officially a Minnesotan after 18 years?)

(This is a face of pure excitement)

And what better way to watch a hockey game than with my best friends?
(The Royals didn't win, but that's okay. It was still blast.)

I live on the best floor ever. Here's a few photos of the fun things we've done together:

And, I have seriously made the best friends that I ever could have asked for here at Bethel. I have never felt such a sense of belonging than I do with my friends here. These ladies encourage and inspire me daily. I'm blessed!

So, that's what I have been up to in the past few months.
College has been all sorts of wonderful and challenging all at the same time.
God has been SO good to me, and Bethel has been the fresh start that I needed.

All in all, life is good here.

Until next time! 
xoxo Ellie 


  1. You da real back home balla

  2. who da 1 wit da curlay hur? she cute.

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